The story of Amy Tan is a delightfully engaging story of "Broken English" and her encounter with it. However, there is a point which is made in the story about the dilemma of schools directing students into subjects based on their ethnicity and partially on their desired subjects. This infuriates me to see how some schools will manipulate their students to choose a certain path for their student to pursue because the teachers think that the student will not be able to cope with the subject the students truly might desire. Schools should give students numerous opportunities and different paths instead of what they think is the best fitting for them, agreed on that schools are doing this for their own benefit but it raises the question can the teachers deliberately sabotage a student based on their ethnicity or even mental capability.
A major eye raiser is that will teacher deliberately sabotage the student because what they believe is that they are not capable. If due to ethnicity this might lead cultural bias from the teacher and can stereotype the foundation of their culture to think that they were made for one particular path and not numerous different paths.
In the story by Amy Tan, she discusses how there are not enough Asian Americans writers in the world, and most Asian Americans mostly pursue in engineering or science, she then stated that she was being pushed to a different path in her school years, but she opposed and decided to continue her path in literacy. This clearly shows how one of the most well-known writers in the world may have never existed due to what her school believed was "best for her". This kind of push can result in many students that may have made a bigger impact in the world in their desired courses rather than them being manipulated to take courses that their teachers believe were the right path to pursue in for them.
My argument is simply that it is not right for the school to think they know what's best for the students and not actually help them see and explore the different paths that they can pursue and most probably succeed in which is most likely since most of the students will enjoy what they are doing knowing that they choose this because they like this field of knowledge and not be manipulated into a field in which they might know a lot about but they do not enjoy it. Amy Tan knew what she could attribute to the world and that was literacy and has broken the stereotype that was set for her to become an engineer and not a writer.